Wow... Its been awhile since I've posted. I've always wanted to be a blogger but I can't say thats been the case. Its funny, because I always think about how much I want to write but just never do.
Where to even start... First and foremost I completed my goal of 25 countries by the age of 25! It was such a surreal moment to realize something I wanted for so long (15 years) really happened! Especially because obtaining this goal wasn't easy nor was it cheap!! But I did it and the best part, I funded my way through majority of it with a little help from my amazing family. My family wanted to see me reach my goal so I greatly fully appreciate all their support to get there. The last 4 countries were iffy for a awhile but thankfully, my friend Ashley talked some sense into a few months prior and pumped me up to accomplish my goal. That same friend flew to Canada with me for the weekend to hit country 2-5! (#25by25;))
^ I need to go into more detail about that trip and post pictures --- which I am promising myself I will do.
So something I've realized to be true again and again is.. If you follow your passion in life your journey will never fail to surprise you. (So whats holding you back?Do you do what you love?Are you satisfied?Are you passionate about what you do?) Because the answer should be "YES" and if its not... I would reevaluate because you're never going to be your happiest self if you aren't doing what you love.
It amazes me how blessed I have been in this life. I can honestly say I am living my dream life but I think a lot of the reason for it is because I have always followed passion. Unlike graduating and looking for a job.. I knew I wanted to travel and make my goal so while all my friends entered the real world, I continued as a nanny for a year while I traveled. After returning from my two month backing trip with my dad, I met my friends mom who was inspired by my love of traveling and invited me to go to Indonesia with Cisco for the Developing Local Talent in Technology Workshop. So after only being home for a month I was off again and was able to hit three more countries-- Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia.
Anyways after returning home, I was invited to join my friends mom team with a group of MBA students for an internship for 3 months. My contract got extended 3 times and I have continued since. I truly feel like I landed my dream position.. Well maybe not my dream position but the area I am working in is where I've always wanted to work which is the non-profit part of a company specializing in CSR (corporate social responsibility). Knowing that the work I do helps others, gives me so much fulfillment each day.
Moral of the story -- I've always followed my passion for traveling and I couldn't be happier.
This also leads up to my latest opportunity which I will go into details about at a different time....