Friday, May 30, 2014


I always find it funny when I hear comments from my friends that I over share on instagram or do something that does not align with this invisible guide of how life should be lived or instagram should be used. Well the things is.. I do it for me, to know how many weeks its been since I did something, for my love of numbers, to reference my life, to see my map populate with pictures of place I've been, for the filters, for the things that make me happy; I do it because I want to and because I like it. Shouldn't that be reason enough? Who controls this mindset of what we can and can't do? Shouldn't we be the controller of it? Is there a rule book somewhere that states: you should only post a picture if this criteria is met? Sure likes are an added bonus and make you feel better about your post but can't we just live with the mindset of being content with what we want to do at the time? No one is obligated to follow you. We are empowered with countless options to take control of situations we don't want to be in but do we always do that? It seems as if we fall into this pattern of complaining or using judgement as a way to deal with our frustrations instead of just connecting with our inner selves and being our own source of happiness.

Why does life have to be filled with so much judgement and concern of what others are doing around us? Why is that social media is only fueling this and still we find ourselves addicted? Why is this behavior okay?

Do we judge because we are jealous? To make ourselves feel better? Why does judging someone else empower us to feel better? Why can't we just be happy to be alive and allow others to find that same comfort in being alive and being who they are meant to be.

I want to live in a world where everyone can just be themselves. A world where judgement doesn't exist. There is no contemplating what we want to do just because we wonder how others will see us? You live by your own rules. You do the things that make you happiest and not have to worry about the talk of others. I would want the only rule shared worldwide to be no harm to others.

I want everyone to do what they do because it gives them their ultimate happiness and fulfillment. You are in charge of one person in life: yourself. Imagine what it would be like if our focus was only on one's self? Would it be a better world? Would jealousy exist? Would everyone just be and life just work?

Every person on this planet is unique. Every person experiences different thoughts and feelings which stem from how different life is for any given human. "You should never judge a man until you've walked in his shoes." This quote is true in so many ways. Our experiences in life shape us to be who we are. A negative experience might shape someone in a negative way but another person should never judge that person because they don't have the entire story to judge. We don't know the reason someone is the way they are because we haven't lived as that person. Our struggles and experiences are not written on us for the world to see. They are within us and are only accessed when we share them. Our only judgement should come from within. We are the controller of our lives.

The best thing anyone could do for themselves is to be who you were always meant to be regardless of what anyone thinks. Be you. You is enough.

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