Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Let yours dreams guide your life

I've always wanted to live abroad. I love to travel more than anything else. I've always wanted to teach yoga and find a way to make money helping others. I love to volunteer. These are facts about me that you would easily pick up on when you first meet me.

So what am I doing about it?

I have broken into the yoga space and created a site to promote myself and my passion. Check out my new site here!

I've always wanted to lead wellness retreats so with the help of a friend we have finally lead our first one. The retreat itself could not have been more perfect. I am so inspired by our weekend and look forward to leading more retreats in the future. My friend, Maggie, took the lead on putting together our first retreat, check out the video and details here!

And the best of all.. I am quitting my corporate job at the end of October and taking a year off to travel the world. It is my goal to update this blog and my other site with the adventure. Be sure to check back in to see the checks I add on my bucket list and the new countries I visit.

Don't let your dreams be only dreams, go after them and live the life of your dreams! 
