Friday, March 30, 2012

Life as I know it

I have been home for the last month and finally adjusted back to reality. Well I think my reality is pretty nice right now.. It's kind of a constant vacation.. I am taking full advantage of enjoying every minute of it before I secure a full time 8-5/m-f position. I am waiting to hear back from an internship that would start in June.. June is basically my deadline until real life begins. Thankfully with my nanny job I have always had an income which has made everything work out. Its a pretty sweet deal right now but a change is to come. But until I enter the real world I might as well fulfill some other goals of mine.. Getting to my fittest self.

I finally joined a gym again. The last gym I belonged to was the Arc at Davis which ended in June 2011.. I got a really good deal at 24 so I signed up and have actually surprised myself with how commited  I have been to going. I don't know why but June is my deadline for a lot of things. I am giving myself till June to get back into shape. (Back to my normal/fitting all my clothes state -- to get to my fittest self I'll allow some extra time) All of the traveling I have done the last few months has been a real treat and I splurged quite a bit.. Which was to be expected because I'm not going to deny myself food in other countries but I wasn't working out the way I should of been. Especially since I enjoyed so many goodies while abroad. But being back in the gym and doing classes feels amazing and I know the results will come in no time. I think having a positive mindset for it all yields greater results. I got a personal trainer for the first time so I could learn how to use the TRX training. Which after one time I have never been so sore! It is an absolutely AMAZING total body work out. My abs have been sore everyday this week which is motivating me to keep it up.

So far this weeks work outs have included -
Monday - personal training - TRX one hour.
Tuesday - hour of cardio + body pump
Wednesday - boot camp
Thursday - hour of cardio / 2 circuits of TRX abs
Friday - boot camp + 45 mins cardio

I am planning on going hiking tomorrow too. Saturday is going to be a major cheat day because its my friends Erika's bachelorette!! We are having a bbq potluck in the afternoon and the night will be followed with nothing but fun for the bride to be! I can't wait but am definitely going to need to go hard the following week to make up for the day/night.. Erika's wedding is memorial day weekend so thats another good motivation to reach my goal by June.

Getting into shape is easy if you truly want it. Eat healthy and work out hard. Its as simple as that. I know there are a ton of temptations that come along with it all but never forget mind over matter. Or do what I do and go to the Pinterest - fitness section.. That always gives you a good push to get to the gym. Another helpful tip is brining your friends on board with you and keeping each other motivated. A few of my friends and I send motivation to each other throughout the day. Keeping the right mindset is the bases to obtaining any goal however big or small it is.

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